Late Season Farm Pic Catch Up

by Clayton - September 16th, 2009.
Filed under: pictures.

This Lacinato kale is tall enough now for Graham to crawl through it like a tunnel. (mid September)

A basket of salsa ingredients. I couldn’t bring myself to start chopping without taking a picture first.

Lemon cucumbers trellised. (early August)

Graham checking out the Calabrese broccoli. (mid August)

Asian eggplant in our packing shed.

Sungold cherry tomatoes. This was taken before we started picking and before we found late blight. They don’t look this good anymore. (late July)

Curly parsley.

Magenaspreen goosefoot, a salad ingredient.


Hornworm on a tomato.

Hornworm trying to bite me.

Hornworm trying to bite me.

A tobacco hornworn. (Of course, they like to eat tomatoes, too.)